The Good Financial Cents Show w/ Jeff Rose, CFP®

David Bach is a New York Time's Best Selling Author with over 7 million copies sold. I get a chance to sit down with him and learn more about his journey from leaving a $700 million fee-based practice to chase his dream of empowering 1 million women to become smarter with their money. You'll also learn how he finally got featured on Oprah, what it was like to take a 18-month sabbatical and why he strongly believes everyone should take a 6-week sabbatical and his crazy 3 year goals.

Direct download: GFC099.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:38am CDT

Retirement rarely happens by accident. For most people, leaving the workforce is the result of a slow climb. Specific moves are made in advance to make sure financial resources will be sufficient later in life and are tucked away somewhere safe. Here are six important action steps to prepare for retirement:

Direct download: GFC_098_6_Steps_Before_Retirement.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am CDT

Would you choose $2,000 cash or a magical penny?  You'll be surprised to know that choosing the cash is wrong.  Find out more on the latest GFC podcast.

Direct download: GFC_097_Magical_Penny.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:39am CDT

Since launching my blog in 2008 I've been amazed at how much opportunity it has given me. I love blogging so much I think everyone should start one! If you're interested I outline the exact steps I used to make my first $1,000 from blogging.

Direct download: GFC_096__Make_1k_Challenge.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:46am CDT

In the latest GFC podcast, I share 5 money hacks that will save me AND make me $4.1 million dollars.  The best part is these are money hacks anyone can do.

Direct download: GFC_095_Money_Hacks_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:39am CDT

Not knowing this tax strategy could cost you big bucks if you own stock in your retirement account.  Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) can save you thousands and thousands of dollars if implemented correctly.

Direct download: GFC_094_NUA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am CDT

A retirement dress rehearsal is important because it will be your first chance to see if you can actually live on your expected retirement income - and give you time to fix it if you can’t.

Direct download: GFC_093_Retirement_Dress_Rehearsal_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:04am CDT

Rolling over your 401k seems simple enough, right?  In some situations it can be.  In others, rolling over to soon could cost thousands of dollars.  Here's 9 dangers you need to know before you roll over your 401k.

Direct download: GFC_092_401k_Dangers_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:15pm CDT

I love Dave Ramsey.  His book, Total Money Makeover, is one of the best personal finance books I've ever met.  Typically, I agree with all his advice but eventually disagreed with this one thing.  And this one thing will probably make him think I'm nuts!

Direct download: GFC_091_Dave_Ramsey_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44am CDT

After you retire the IRS is going to eventually come for their tax money out of your retirement account.  Here's what you need to know about Required Minimum Distributions.

Direct download: GFC_90_RMD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:21am CDT

It's reported than 1 out of every 5 Americans are not saving anything at all.  There #2 reason for not saving was "they hadn't got around to it" otherwise known as being lazy.  Stop being lazy!  We share 3 strategies that even a lazy person can do to boost their savings immediately.

Direct download: GFC_089_Stop_Being_Lazy_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:35am CDT

Before you retire you have to consider how your lifestyle is going to change.  Here are 3 lifestyle decisions you'll have to make before you retire.

Direct download: GFC_088_3_Lifestyle_Decisions_for_Retirment_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm CDT

If you didn't know this about me yet, I love blogging!  It's why I invest so much time into  On this episode I interview Jason Patterson, the CEO of Growth360 who partnered with me on my blog in early 2015.  Learn more about our funny partnership and how we've been able to see exponential growth in 2 years.

In the latest GFC podcast we highlight real life case studies of investors that should have never bought an annuity and 3 real life case studies when they made absolute sense.

Direct download: GFC_086_Annuity_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:57am CDT

If you have a student loan, then paying it off as fast as possible is probably your goal.  What could derail you is a lot of bad information and deceptive companies looking to get the best of you.  That's why I interviewed the team from to give you the 7 dangers you need to watch out for with your student loans especially if you're looking to refinance.

Direct download: GFC_085_Student_Loans_Credible_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:40am CDT

Life insurance shouldn't be complicated.  Unfortunately, we see a lot of families that make huge mistakes with their life insurance planning which could have horrible consequences.  Are you making one of these 4 costly mistakes?  Find out by listening to the latest show.

Direct download: GFC_084_4_Life_Insurance_Mistakes_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:33pm CDT

Imagine you have $1.5 million dollars sitting in cash?  Good problem to have, right?  Well, this investor is actually dealing with this and has a rough idea on what he plans on doing with it.  Unfortunately, it's not the BEST thing to do with his money.  Find out his strategy and what we suggest on the latest Good Financial Cents podcast.

Direct download: GFC_083_I_Have_1.5_Million_in_Cash_-_What_Should_I_Do_edited.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:09pm CDT

Having over $1 million of investments is quite the accomplishment.  But with inflation, rising costs of healthcare and lifespans increasing, $1 million doesn't stretch as far as it used to.  So when this potential client came in to see if he could retire with his $1million plus portfolio, we had to tell him not once but twice that he couldn't retire.  Here's why.

Direct download: GFC_082_1_Million_Cant_Retire_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11am CDT

Ever since I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad when I was 23 years old I knew I wanted to obtain multiple streams of income.  After a long journey and a few failures along the way I can now proudly say I have 7 different forms of income.  Here's a breakdown of what they are and how I was able to achieve each of them over the years.

Direct download: GFC_081_My_7_Multiple_Streams_of_Income.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:35am CDT

2016 is a wrap.  Here's a look on some of my biggest accomplishments and what I'm excited for in 2017.

Direct download: GFC_80_-_2017_Goals_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:46am CDT

How well do you know your money situation?  So well you can answer these 5 questions?  We identify 5 questions that most people should be able to answer about their money but can't.

Direct download: GFC_079_5_Money_Questions_You_Should_Be_Able_to_Answer_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:24am CDT