The Good Financial Cents Show w/ Jeff Rose, CFP®

If you want to become wealthy, changing your mindset on this one monthly payment will be the difference between achieving financial independence or not.

Direct download: GFC_075_The_Wealth_Killer_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44am CDT

You know long term care insurance is important but it's hard to justify the cost, especially if you don't use it.   Jeff Rose, CFP, CEO and Andrew Rogers, Director of Financial Planning, discuss 3 long term care insurance alternatives most consumers aren't familiar with.

Direct download: GFC_075_LTC_Part_III_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:12am CDT

In this second episode of a 3 part series, Jeff Rose, CFP, CEO and Andrew Rogers, Director of Financial Planning discuss the payment options you have paying for long term care and the biggest misconception most people have on who's fitting the bill.

Direct download: GFC_074_LTC_Part_2_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:06am CDT